Empowering the future using Green Hydrogen today
Join the Green Energy Revolution and lead the way to mankind's brighter future
Green Hydrogen - a beacon of hope for a cleaner, more sustainable future. In this dynamic world, innovation meets eco-friendliness, promising to reshape our energy landscape. Join us in realizing the potential of green hydrogen and its role in our journey towards a cleaner planet.
"The future depends on what you do today"
Mahatma Gandhi
DragoNergy is a green hydrogen producer,
utilizing existing technologies to build and operate mid-size production facilities,
providing H2 to local consumers by making the most out of local infrastructure.
With proven technologies and local infrastructure we are able to deliver high-purity green hydrogen to meet all your energy needs - Today.
Harvesting Renewable Energy
From local green suppliers
Producing Hydrogen
Using top end innovative electrolize technologies in order to produce on site green hydrogen
Providing our costomers capabilities and clean energy
Supporting heavy industry and heavy duty transportation in their tranzition to green hydrogen sources
Providing a responsible and sustainable energy solution for your business